
Leading Content Website Increased Its Unique Visitor Count By 300% In 6 Months

A leading international fashion blog was losing its traffic, not just to its competitors, but to a host of new sites that seemed to mushroom out of nowhere. Though they had been market leaders for more than a decade, they seemed to be losing as much as 10 percent of their visitors monthly. Looking for help, they hired SEO consultants to investigate the trend. Though a fresh set of eyes helped slow down the loss, the traffic did not show a sign of regaining the momentum.

The Problem And The Solution

With further analysis, they found that the problem was with the writers, who were not able to find a balance between writing new content and updating the fluctuating keywords on the existing content. Though expanding the team was always a solution, a bigger team brings some maintenance problems of its own. That is when they discovered Rank Drive’s unique set of features that helped them save 70% of their reporting time by alerting the teams when there was a fluctuation in a set of keywords and the affected pages to trigger the required set of changes. The company also uncovered hidden opportunities and competitors, and started paying more attention to the sources they seemed to write-off before. As they started gaining their lost traffic, they found that the accurate crawl alerts triggered by Rank Drive helped them pay attention to pages due for crawl and update them to get their overall DA up.


The Result

As they gained back about 476 keywords, increased CTR by 43 % and thereby increase in site traffic to 6 million monthly unique visitors. They also found the gold-mine of new opportunities that helped them create improved content and gain 35+ valuable backlinks in a span of 6 month which gave that additional push to their traffic. Post the initial implementation, they have noticed a steady 14% rise in the monthly traffic to the site.