All-in-one features to grow your online presence

For Enterprise, Medium, and Small Businesses

Make your SEO and Digital Marketing efforts, work for you

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SEO Insights

Get everything you need for digital marketing analytics in one place and take data driven decisions to improve your outcomes

Grow Organic Traffic

Increase organic search traffic through actionable steps you can take right away

Competitor Keyword analysis

Find and rank for the most competitive and rewarding keywords in your niche

Crawl Trends

Receive alerts on pages that are due for crawl, and update them to boost your DA

Competitor Ads Analysis

Know your competitor’s spendings in ads, and how they are ranking in real time

Track Algorithm Updates

Stay up-to-date with search engine algorithm updates without losing sleep

Keyword Volatility Analysis

Find keywords with low volatility, and get instant alerts when keywords in your pages do fluctuate

SEO Platform

SERP Reporting

Metrics that matter

Find the top ranking pages and know what makes them rank. Analyse your competitor’s strategy using our easy-to-interpret SERP reports, and plan to lead. Discover gaps and opportunities within their content and create power-pages that are guaranteed to rank.

Keyword Discovery

Find the next in-demand keyword

Hours of keyword research is now made simpler with RankDrive. Find the most rewarding and high-converting keywords in your industry and rank only for them. Set a keyword budget with us and we’ll help you create the most cost-effective marketing plan.

Paid Ad Analytics

Create ads that sell

No more splurging on ads with no returns. Our paid ad analytics tool lets you maximize your ROI within a recommended budget. Track ad performance, test landing pages, and uncover defects that keep your ad from flourishing. Make the most of your paid advertisements with RankDrive.

Paid Ad Analytics

AI Based Actionable Insights

Not just data, but action

RankDrive is not just a metrics tool. We turn data into powerful and quickly actionable insights. Discover hidden challenges and know how to overcome them with our AI-driven Intelligence Software. Make informed SEO decisions and get the visibility you deserve.

Competitor Insights

Lead Effortlessly

Get quick, accurate and credible insights into your competitors. Know competitor’s rankings, view keyword spendings, and track their performance seamlessly across channels. Our intelligence platform let you discover unutilised opportunities in the industry and always stay a step ahead.

Competitor Insights

Social Reporting

Create campaigns that resonate

Bring all your social channels together in a flexible solution for accurate data, reports, and insights. Our platform lets you find your audience’s voice with in-depth reports on viewer demographics, average on-screen time, engagements, and much more.


• Single user
• Tracking for 500 Keywords per day
• Monitor for upto 3 domains
• Email & Chat support
Ideal for
• Small brands beginning in digital
• To explore the product capability and
   upgrade to higher plans later

Sign Up
Best Buy
• Full access for up to three users
• Tracking for 2000 Keywords per day
• Monitor for upto 10 domains
• Dedicated client account manager
Ideal for
• Medium sized companies
• Smaller agencies managing multiple

Sign Up
Value Plus
• Unlimited users
• Tracking for 5000 Keywords per day
• Monitor for upto 50 domains
• Round the clock support and SLAs
Ideal for
• Agencies managing multiple clients and
   having single employee manage multiple
• Companies that need to monitor/control
   data access for the clients
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